Applied Studies

More and more people and organizations all over the world are in need of employees. More and more opportunities are in need of people to step in. The question is, do you qualify? At Global Academy of Applied studies we will give you the knowledge and skills required to find a space and at your own terms in the 21st century job market.

Software Development

Service Overview

This course is meant for people who want to have a career in software development. In addition to the fact that software development is much fun and challenging there is a very high demand for software development throughout the world.
If you are interesting in acquiring a skill which fun, challenging and rewarding, then software development should be top on your check list.
As a software developer, you will never go without a job take this from us. Anyone who tells you the contrary is simply not telling you the truth.
As the years go by the demand for software developers keep rising so does the pay package for software developers. We welcome you to fasten your belt and join other fellow software development training at Global Academy for Applied Studies.

More Details

Our Software Development training is based on web programing with PHP as the main engine. Our participants will get an in-depth understanding of web technology. Subjects include PHP, HTLM, CSS and JACASCRIPT. In addition to learning the above core languages, participants will also learn one of the most popular front end framework which is bootstrap and one of the most popular PHP frameworks which is Laravel.


Acquire developer skills and take it to the next level. You will be learning from software developers from all over the world. T.


he intention of this course is to make you a software developer and it’s a journey you will never take alone. We will be with you through each and every step

Frequently Asked Question

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    There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered alteration in some fo injected humour, or randomised words believable.

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